All Eurographics 2020 videos on YouTube
All the videos from our Eurographics 2020 conference papers are now available on the AUEB Graphics Group YouTube channel.
All the videos from our Eurographics 2020 conference papers are now available on the AUEB Graphics Group YouTube channel.
We are excited to announce the launch of Rayground, a web-based framework for rapid prototyping of algorithms based on the ray tracing paradigm. Its main goal is to help users develop, test and share self-contained shaders that showcase a particular method by introducing a transparent programmable interface.
Prof. Georgios Papaioannou received the best paper award for year 2018 in the category: "impact on society" from the Fraunhofer IGD institute for the scientific paper: G. Papaioannou, T. Schreck, A. Andreadis, P. Mavridis, R. Gregor, I. Sipiran, K. Vardis, From Reassembly to Object Completion: A Complete Systems Pipeline. ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 10(2), Article 8, DOI:, 2017.
In August 2016 the AUEB Computer Graphics Group has established a collaboration with Nomitech Ltd. for the design and development of real-time visualization solutions for large-volume 3D datasets. Nomitech Ltd. is a leading niche software company specializing in cost estimating solutions for construction, mining, oil, gas and energy projects.
The joint work of the AUEB Graphics Group and the Visual Analytics Group of the University of Konstanz on Fractured 3D Object Restoration and Completion was nominated for the 2nd prize at the ACM Student Research Competition that took place at SIGGRAPH 2015.
SIGGRAPH 2015 hosts an ACM Student Research Competition, which recognizes research work by individual graduate students or teams of undergraduates. Posters selected to compete in the SRC are judged in two stages. In the first stage, a panel of distinguished judges views the SRC posters during the poster sessions and selects six semi-finalists. These semi-finalists present their work to SIGGRAPH 2015 attendees during the ACM SRC Final Presentation. At the end of the presentations, the judges announce the first-, second-, and third-place winners in the undergraduate and graduate categories. First-place undergraduate and graduate winners go on to the nationwide ACM Student Research Competition.
Members of the AUEB Graphics Group will be presenting our work Fractured 3D Object Restoration and Completion by A. Andreadis, R. Gregor, I. Sipiran, P. Mavridis, G. Papaioannou and T. Schreck at the ACM SIGGRAPH 2015 poster session. The presented methodology involves a reassembly stage and a repair stage. In the first, the reassembly solution results from finding the ninimum spanning forest for pairwise matches between fragment contact surfaces, which have been identified in a preprocessing step. The reassembly is guided by global error relaxation and can also make use of external feature curves on the fragments. In the second phase, we compute plausible complete versions of the reassembles partial shapes via robust detection of global shape symmetries and geometry replication. Completion of non-symmetric shapes is assisted by template repair shapes retrieved by a partial 3D similarity search.