
Home About XEngine Engine API SceneGraph Changelog Programming Guide


| Scene Description Language | camera | directory | eventmessage | geometry | group | input | light | node | primitives | root | spinner | transformation | user |


Derived from: -
Class name: Node3D
Description: This is the generic node, which every other node is subclassed from. It has no functional counterpart in the scene description language, other than define the minimum set of messages all nodes accept and therefore you cannot include it in the XML file.


Function List

Name XE_scene_create_node
Arguments XE_SCENE_NODE node_type, const char* node_name, unsigned int attachToGroupNodeId
Return Type unsigned int
Description Creates a node of type XE_SCENE_NODE

node_type - Currently supported node types are:
node_name - The node's name. If null, an auto-generated name will be assigned. Names must be unique. If an existing name is provided, an auto-generated name will be used instead.
attachToGroupNodeId - Nodes can only be attached to group nodes. attachToGroupNodeId - Nodes can only be attached to group nodes. Group nodes are the SN_ROOT, SN_GROUP, SN_USER, SN_SPINNER and SN_TRANSFORM. Providing -1 attaches the node to the Root node.

Name XE_scene_destroy_node
Arguments int node_id
Return Type bool
Description Destroys the node and all its children with the associated id

- node_id, the id of the node to be destroyed

Returns true if the node was found and destroyed. The root node cannot be destroyed.

Name XE_scene_get_node_id
Arguments const char* node_name
Return Type unsigned int
Description Retrieves the node id for that name.

- node_name, the name of the node

Returns the node id if found, -1 otherwise

Name XE_scene_get_node_name
Arguments unsigned int node_id
Return Type const char*
Description Retrieves the node name for that id.

- node_id, the id of the node

Returns the node name if found, null otherwise

Name XE_scene_get_node_transform
Arguments int node_id, float* mat
Return Type bool
Description Retrieves the transformation associated with the provided node id

- node_id, the node's id
- mat, a pointer to a 16 float array containing the transformation

Returns true if the node id was found

Name XE_scene_get_node_previous_transform
Arguments int node_id, float* mat
Return Type bool
Description Retrieves the transformation from the previous update for the provided node id

- node_id, the node's id
- mat, a pointer to a 16 float array containing the transformation

Returns true if the node id was found

Name XE_scene_get_node_world_position
Arguments int node_id, float&x, float& y, float& z
Return Type bool
Description Retrieves a 3D vector which provides the central position of the node in world coordinates

- node_id, the node's id
- x, the x value of the position vector in world coordinates
- y, the y value of the position vector in world coordinates
- z, the z value of the position vector in world coordinates

Returns true if the node id was found

Name XE_scene_set_node_active_status
Arguments int node_id, bool status
Return Type bool
Description Sets whether the node is active (inactive nodes are not getting updated)

- node_id, the node's id
- status, a flag indicating whether the node is active

Returns true if the node id was found

Name XE_scene_get_node_active_status
Arguments int node_id, bool& status
Return Type bool
Description Retrieves the node's active status

- node_id, the node's id
- status, a flag indicating whether the node is active

Returns true if the node id was found

Name XE_scene_set_node_visible_status
Arguments int node_id, bool status
Return Type bool
Description Sets whether the node is visible (invisible nodes are not getting rendered)

- node_id, the node's id
- mat, a pointer to a 16 float array containing the transformation

Returns true if the node id was found

Name XE_scene_get_node_visible_status
Arguments int node_id, bool& status
Return Type bool
Description Retrieves the node's visible status

- node_id, the node's id
- mat, a pointer to a 16 float array containing the transformation

Returns true if the node id was found

Name XE_scene_get_node_box_bounds
Arguments int node_id, int node_id, float& min_x, float& min_y, float& min_z, float& max_x, float& max_y, float& max_z
Return Type bool
Description Retrieves the node's bounding box min and max values

- node_id, the node's id
- min_x, the value of the minimum x coordinate of the bounding box in world coordinates
- min_y, the value of the minimum y coordinate of the bounding box in world coordinates
- min_z, the value of the minimum z coordinate of the bounding box in world coordinates
- max_x, the value of the maximum x coordinate of the bounding box in world coordinates
- max_y, the value of the maximum y coordinate of the bounding box in world coordinates
- max_z, the value of the maximum z coordinate of the bounding box in world coordinates

Returns true if the node id was found

Name XE_scene_get_node_box_size
Arguments int node_id, float& x, float& y, float& z
Return Type bool
Description Retrieves the bounding box's size (max - min)

- node_id, the node's id
- x, the x value of the of the bounding box size
- y, the y value of the of the bounding box size
- z, the z value of the of the bounding box size

Returns true if the node id was found

Name XE_scene_get_node_box_center
Arguments int node_id, float& x, float& y, float& z
Return Type bool
Description Retrieves the bounding box's center

- node_id, the node's id
- x, the x value of the of the bounding box center
- y, the y value of the of the bounding box center
- z, the z value of the of the bounding box center

Returns true if the node id was found


Scene Description Language Declaration

XML node name -
Placement: Nowhere
Special notes: It cannot be declared in the scene file.
Inherited attributes: -
New attributes:
attribute type description
active BOOLEAN Turns the node and all its children (if any) on or off. When a node is switched off, all processing is suspended, except the message passing mechanism. In the case of the world special node, time keeping continues, even if the node is suspended. Default value is true.
visible BOOLEAN Defines the display state of the node and its children. If a node is not visible, it is not present in any drawing calculations. Default value is true.
name STRING The name of the node. This attribute is optional, but when the node must be references at runtime by another one, the reference is passed by name, so a unique name has to be attributed to every referenced node. Default name for all regular nodes is "none"
event name condition
Inherited events: -
New messages:
attribute value description
active BOOLEAN Enables or disables the node operation.
visible BOOLEAN Shows or hides the particular node (and its subtree).
hide - Same as "visible false"
show - Same as "visible true"
enable - Same as "active true"
activate - Same as "active true"
disable - Same as "active false"
deactivate - Same as "active false"
Inherited messages: -
Redefined messages: -
Obsolete messages: -

Last updated 3 Jun. 2013